Sunday, February 10, 2013

"Fancy-ful" Sunday

"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.
-William James

This hits home for me. My definition of difference is "a positive change/effect". As of lately, I have really embraced this quote in my life by taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture. It has trickled down into all aspects of my life, family life, friends, the social aspect, my everyday routine, running the Spot, becoming a health coach, my marriage, and my faith. If I make a positive change (difference) in just one of these, it has a positive effect on multiple aspects.
 Ask yourself, "do I make a difference?" Do you? Small things we do make a difference, and it is the enthusiasm we have during the approach that is the game changer. We all make a difference is some one's life everyday! If we take the time step back and make a positive change, it will funnel into other aspects of our life.
A "difference" can be expressing your appreciation to someone, giving back, pausing your routine for that extra hug with your little ones, turning the t.v off and having a real conversation, starting back up at the gym, giving yourself "me" time, etc. Just remember your approach is with enthusiasm, the outlook will be much better!
Ahhhh...that felt good to say! Now to just personalize that quote :)
"Act as if what you do makes a positive change/effect. It does!"

Enjoy your Sunday!

Lucretia aka Fancy


  1. Thanks Fancy wish I lived closer I could really use some motivation. :) This is the next best thing!!
