Sunday, March 3, 2013

Drop and Give me 8!

Nutrition...Nutrition...Nutrition! About a year and half ago, two health coaches approached me with a nutritional program that I could incorporate into The Spot Studio Fitness LLC. At the time, my life was so hectic with the day to day hustle of wife, mommy, and new business owner, I couldn't add another thing to my plate.
The Spot being my "baby," I was hesitant about bringing anything to my members that I didn't have experience with. As my ladies loved the results they were getting from class alone, they started asking about nutritional programs to incorporate with their workout regimen. This program needed to be simple to follow, easy to maintain and most importantly healthy. I thought back to the couple that approached me, and decided to reach out. They invited me to a seminar and I was amazed by the program! I finally found the missing link to my fitness studio! Before I would endorse this program to my ladies, I wanted to experience it first hand to make sure it made sense. Josiah supported me and we started the program together. To be honest, the first few days were tough, but once we got past that we felt amazing! Our energy was higher than it had been in years, our outlook on food was changing, and we were losing stubborn weight! I was finally leaning out and lost 8lbs. in two weeks and Josiah was down 10lbs. and the high blood pressure he had been struggling with has returned to normal! My members were noticing and asking what I was doing differently. Now that I have lost 8lbs. in two weeks and feel great, I have decided to become a Health Coach so I can share this program with my members, family, and friends! I am really looking forward to sharing more details with anyone who is interested!

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